
Making sense of global issues through museum collections, images, sounds, and personal experiences

What is Story:Web?

Story:Web explores how museum collections, images and sounds shared online, and people’s experiences could be connected to make sense of global issues like climate change.

An interactive demo of Story:Web was on show at the Glasgow Science Centre up to and during COP26 , the UN Climate Change Conference, as part of the Reimagining Museums for Climate Action exhibition.

During 2022 we are developing Story:Web into a real digital system for use on social media and in museums, for people to discuss environmental issues like climate action. Check out our progress in the blog . We’re also looking for other people aged 16-25 to help, find out more here .

Help us tell the untold story of climate change


Climate change is complicated, and can often feel as if it is happening far away. However, it’s part of our everyday lives, and the effects are all around us.

We are growing Story:Web on social media with your help, using the new ‘story snippets’ you share to take stories in different directions. Where might the journey take us?

Help grow Story:Web by:

  • Following @GrowStoryWeb on Instagram and Twitter , and #GrowStoryWeb on Instagram and Twitter
  • Help us decide where to take the story next by commenting on posts.
  • Add your own images, sounds and words using the hashtag #GrowStoryWeb.

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Mar 15, 2022


We had another interesting second workshop with everyone this week. Previously, we’d explored the problems of having better conversations online about environmental issues and how objects from museum collection could play a part in bringing environmental issues to life. In this workshop, we began exploring how images and sounds shared online (with creative commons licences) and interactive technology could also help. For creative commons images and sounds, we used websites to find photos, videos and sounds that related to the environmental issues everyone was interested in. Read more
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